Auto & Bike Accident Recovery
Acupuncture for Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Whiplash Injuries & Pain
At Soaring Crane Acupuncture we can quickly help relieve your pain and significantly reduce your recovery time from whiplash and other motor vehicle accident (MVA) or bike injuries. We specialize in an integrative acupuncture approach we call The Best of East & West that helps you achieve fast relief from pain and injuries. Our focus is on treating the whole person and can help relieve your symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety and other cognitive disorders caused from MVA injuries.
We are committed to providing you with the recovery care that will accelerate your healing and relieve muscle spasm, pain, and tightness due to an MVA. Our healing approach can significantly reduce your symptoms of numbness/tingling, headaches and concussion. You will be able to resume your normal activities sooner without the side effects of pain killers.

What is a Whiplash Injury?
Whiplash refers to an injury of the neck/shoulders or low back, resulting from hyper-extension followed by flexion under the force or impact caused by another vehicle. This can cause a whole symphony of problems including nerve entrapment or impingement, strained muscles, tendons and ligaments. Symptoms may include pain, reduced range of motion, stiffness, numbness/tingling, headaches, dizziness, anxiety and cognitive complaints.
How Acupuncture Reduces Pain & Inflammation
Acupuncture is more than just pain control. When acupuncture needles are inserted under the skin or into muscles they stimulate the release of several different neuropeptides that cause vasodilation which increases local blood circulation, and promotes the formation of new blood vessels. It also simulates the release of fibroblast cells that trigger a healing response in local tissues. This is how acupuncture triggers and promotes the repair of soft issue injuries. Precise needling of trigger points found in muscles releases the muscles, allowing them to relax and lengthen, which translates to better-functioning joints and less pain.
The Analgesic Effects of Acupuncture
Over the years western medical science has shown that acupuncture stimulates a variety of biological responses within the muscles, immune, endocrine and neurological systems. When acupuncture points are stimulated they release neuromodulators (opioid peptides) and neurotransmitters (endorphins) in your brain. These peptides have a strong pain-killing effect in your body—everywhere.
Benefits of Acupuncture for MVA & Whiplash Injury
- Releases naturally occurring pain-killing opioid peptides & endorphins
- Promotes healing by increasing local blood circulation & forming new blood vessels
- Decreases inflammation by modulating the immune system
- Relieves headaches, dizziness, & numbness/tingling in the extremities
- Increases flexibility and range of motion
- Promotes well-being & reduces anxiety by releasing calming brain chemicals
Information to Assist Your Car Accident Recovery Care

In the state of Oregon all drivers are required to have what is known as a Personal Injury Protection plan (PIP) as part of their car insurance policy. This plan allows you to choose your own medical providers, including acupuncture, without a referral. The average car insurance plan covers up to $15,000 per individual for care, including other passengers, even if you were at fault in the accident. This coverage is effective for a period of one year or $15,000 after the date of the collision.
To schedule an appointment you will need a claim number from your insurance adjuster.
Please print our MVA Intake Form, fill it out and bring it with you on your first visit.
I am grateful to have received many referrals from local doctors, physician assistants, pharmacists, orthodontists, physical therapists, trainers and professional athletes.